Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dance Update

So, Andrew and I confirmed a DJ and for the first time ever, Mrs. C will be DJ-ing our dance! In addition, the dance will take place in the full theater, so ignore the walls. (it was heat problems) and this dance will be void of costumes. Unless you really want to wear one. Due to lack of responses and some people blatantly ignoring/tearing down sign up sheets, the playlist may include a bit more MCR than you would like, but Zamir, Megan, Ethan, Andrew and I did our best. Props to them. If I get an email with more suggestions before Thursday at lunch, I will see what I can do.
l8er, <- not really shorter

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Do you like the fish? Seriously though, the meeting today was great. We have chaperons pretty much figured out, and the slaves sixth graders have the drinks figured out- but don't start sobbing yet, talk to your 6th grade reps or sign up on one of the 6ie doors for a spot- I've heard it's a blast. As for those of you in the elusive decorating committee, I can't wait to see it. And last but not least (and certainly most space consuming) the music: Andrew and I have been collecting suggestions, and so far we have the grand total of: three! If you care, email me. Now. I need to know what songs to give to Nathaniel who can make the playlist that will be played by our DJ. Who that is is TBD- we are looking into Mrs. C and we haven't forgotten the classic JChoo, email me w/thoughts. ( Does anyone have any ideas for snowball-like concepts that we could ask the DJ to throw in there? Any thoughts on snowballs/slowsongs? Its all up to us, so take atvant.
Until the dance,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Hey guys!
We had our elections today, and I am pleased to announce, that the 8th graders have made up for being outnumbered. Andrew Redd is your 2012 middle council president and I am your 2012 VP. The dance will be (as promised) on the 21st, 6-9. Please contact your 7th grade middle council members if you would like to sign up for the decoration committee, and the 6th reps for drinks. And, after a long and well fought battle (or conversation between tired people who were concerned with their pb&j) we have (drum roll please) conserved the 8th grade power over music, meaning of course, that we will set it up and collect recommendations,make a playlist and grab some song suggestions from the other grades. Email me at if you're interested. In addition, Olivia (7) proposed that we make it not a causal dance, but a costume dance... 10 days before Halloween! Vote on the poll and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Whole version:
Hey guys! Thank you so much for electing me for middle council this year, I will be keeping to my campaign promise, and you should feel free to let me know if I can do anything better. You can always contact me through this blog, through my email ( or on my cell (206-601-9444). This year, middle council will be run a little bit differently under the wise hand of Eli. We have our own moodle page, and we have a more specific form of government- we will be electing a president, vice president and secretary this Tuesday. They will be in charge of schedule's and monitoring the meetings, and will over all have more influence. Now, as I am representing you, it is entirely up to you if I should run. Whoever wants to run will give a one minute speech next Tuesday. They also went over the format a little bit, there is a proposal day a month before the set event date ( the teachers decide), and whatever events you want must be in a written proposal on that day. The next proposal day is in November, so let me know if you have any ideas for that.
On to the meeting specifics, the Annual Fall Ball will be held on October 21st from 6-9, it will be in the theater,  have casual dress, a five dollar ticket price, and we asked but there are no 8th grade DJs allowed. However, there will be a playlist that somebody has to create, and if I get my way, that will be us. All of the details are subject to change (besides of course, the fact that it is a dance) so let me know what you think. Guest numbers are TBD, what do you think?
What you need to know:
Fall Ball 6-9, Oct. 21st- What do you want from it?
Should I run for president, vice president or secretary?
Any ideas for the November event?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Exactly what's happening

What went on in middle council- so that you know just as much as I know.
Questions that I ask you about what should happen next.
A space for you to comment and critique on everything that happens, to provide your opinions and consultations- because what you think, is more important than what I think.